Our competitions are run, judged, and participated in by LULS-affiliated students, staff and sponsors throughout the academic year. The competitions are open to LULS members only. Winners get prizes in the form of work experience or meeting lawyers from sponsoring firms.

For our 2024/25 academic year, our Competition Directors are Andre Mkhitarian and Hannah Cheeseman.

Andre Mkhitarian


Hannah Cheeseman

What Competitions do Leicester University Law Society run?

At the University of Leicester, enhance your practical skills by participating in our client interviewing and negotiation competitions. Students can attend our sponsored workshops, compete in our internal competitions, and even have the chance to represent the university in prestigious external competitions. These opportunities are designed to help you build confidence, deepen your understanding of legal practice, and gain valuable experience for your future career.


Why Compete?

  • Essential on applications and CVs

  • Improve legal knowledge

  • Improve public speaking skills

  • Improve advocacy skills

  • Improve problem solving skills

  • Improve time management

  • Speed up thinking processes

  • Learn formality

  • Work in a team

  • Develop legal research skills

  • Develop legal writing skills

  • Grow connections

  • Win valuable prizes such as work experience at Law Firms and meetings with Law Firm Representatives

Our goals

‘As one of your Competition Directors this year, I am excited to offer a variety of competitions designed to enhance your transferable skills and provide practical legal experience. We have a dedicated team of judges to support you throughout each round, offering constructive feedback and helping you achieve your full potential. I look forward to seeing many of you participate and wish you the best of luck! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.’ - Hannah Cheeseman

Want to get in touch?

If you have any queries about our competitions or would like to get involved, you can contact our competitions directors here:

  • For general inquiries contact lulscompetitionsofficers@gmail.com

  • Andre Mkhitarian - am1466@student.le.ac.uk

  • Hannah Cheeseman - hc345@student.le.ac.uk